LinkedIn Use and Importance

Digital Marketing | Intrada Webmaster | Friday, October 2, 2015

LinkedIn is more popular than ever. Proper use of this social media can expand your professional network as well as promote your business. This article has the details as to why you should have a LinkedIn for yourself and your business, as well as tips to optimize your profile for maximum impact.

Background and Goals

What is LinkedIn?

LinkedIn Logo

Launched in 2003, LinkedIn is a social website used primarily for professional networking. Currently, there are over 380 million users from over 200 countries and territories registered on the site. It is focused on careers and fostering professional relationships. It allows users to connect and share content with other professionals on the site.

Who should use it and why?

Individuals. It can be used to create and build a personal brand and regulate how others view you. A personal page allows individuals to connect with other professionals in the same field of work. LinkedIn also allows those relationships forged to be maintained and nurtured. Individual connections allow you to research the person more in-depth as well as their work place. And, as in real life, connections can supply potential opportunities.

Businesses. Creating a business page on LinkedIn opens up a new world of online marketing and public relations. An online presence supplies the opportunity to build online authority, credibility and trust. It is also a way to network and identify with ideal customers by being able to find out who they are and what their interests. In addition to focusing on an exact audience, most journalists are on LinkedIn. Posting interesting content will raise journalist attention and encourage them to focus on your company.

Who is using LinkedIn?

The age demographic for LinkedIn is broken down below:

  • 18-29 (45 million users)
  • 30-49 (81 million users)
  • 50-64 (72 million users)
  • 65+ (39 million users)

LinkedIn has an older demographic than all other social medias. Due to the demographics, the average user income is $104,000 as most are already professionals. The website is also growing at a rate of two new members per second.

Why should I create a LinkedIn? How will it help my business?

A LinkedIn profile can help you to establish brand presence. You will be able to know your audience better, create a hub of information and by having all information on your page it becomes easy to search and others will be able to find it.

Connecting with your audience is one of the best reasons to create an account. It will allow you to engage with employees, turn customers into followers, promote your brand in LinkedIn Groups, use ads to gain the right viewers and track progress with Analytics tab.

Engaging your audience with content is the most important part of joining LinkedIn. You are able to create a content stream that will show your value through thought leadership and leading industry trends. Mixing content formats and posting frequently will bring attention to your profile. After gaining followers, it is also important to respond to comments and keep your audience engaged. As with any media, it is important to always search for ways to improve. Change the days and times you post. Look for what topics and post formats bring in the most views and shares.

How to set up LinkedIn

What do I need to set up my account?

The initial account set up requires your name and email address. After confirming your account, you will also need to input your zip code. LinkedIn will also ask for your current job title, company and the industry in which you work.

What should I put on my profile?

LinkedIn Profile Strength

A professional profile photo is the most important aspect to have on your page. Background photos (like a Facebook cover photo) are new and can be uploaded as well. The next most important aspect to your page is your personal summary at the top of your profile. It should be a short elevator speech about yourself. Your work history, including job responsibilities is recommended. Your past schools can be added, as well as any skill certifications or work samples/project. Skills should be put on your profile so other can endorse you. Professional organizations and volunteer experience can also be listed.

Using LinkedIn

What are the best ways to use my profile?

A LinkedIn account is a way to showcase everything that cannot fit on your resume. A resume does not always include volunteer experiences or causes that are important. LinkedIn allows you to feature what your interests are – regardless of whether they will help your career. Use the space LinkedIn provides to add in the information about yourself that you would normally drop. It also allows you to upload documents and videos that may not be in a hard copy of your portfolio.

Strategically connecting is the main purpose of LinkedIn. Connect with professionals you know in real life and use them to connect to those you don’t. When connecting to someone you have not actually met, be sure to not use the generic connection message. Take advantage of the “get introduced” tool if you have a common connection. Once you have connected with this person, start a conversation focusing on what you can do for them, not what you want them to do for you.

“Snooping” is another helpful tool LinkedIn provides. Whether they are a connection or not, viewing a profile gives you valuable information on someone. You are able to find information on someone you may be interested in hiring. If a person is an expert in your field, it is helpful to look through their profile and posts to find new information on your industry. Note: LinkedIn notifies its users of who is viewing their profiles.

Having a profile will not help if you are not active. That being said, 34% of users are on LinkedIn every week and only 13% are active every day. The best way to stay active is to regularly post content and links. Keep your profile current and updated with your professional accomplishments.

What should I post?

Sharing links is just as important as coming up with your own content to post to the site. Be mindful that your posts should be thoughtful and aimed toward your targeted audience. Professional updates are important to share as well. It keeps your followers up to date on your professional life and keeps you on their mind.

How often should I check my LinkedIn?

Often. LinkedIn is similar to Facebook in post amount. Two or three posts a week is the acceptable average. However, even if you are only posting during those times, it is important to check your Pulse once a day to stay updated on what others are doing and posting. Keep up with your industry by seeing what others are interested in.

Should I join different LinkedIn Groups?

Yes! Groups are a helpful and often overlooked aspect of LinkedIn. Regardless of whether you are on LinkedIn for personal reasons or for your business, groups are helpful. They are a way to connect with people who share similar interests. These people are your future colleges or potential customers. Post and interact in groups often to show off your expertise and build a positive rapport within your professional network.

LinkedIn Puzzle Group

What should I do with my business page?

First, a note about business pages. In order to create one, you need a company email. A generic gmail or Yahoo account will not be accepted.

After creating a page, it is important to optimize it for search engines. Be sure to add in key words that people might search in order for your page to show up in the initial results. Another way to optimize your company page is to create showcase pages off of it for specific products or services that you are.

Generate leads from your page by creating interesting posts and links. It will engage your audience and you will also be able to post in groups. Again, focus on your target audience. This is the best way to find sale prospects and engage in social selling.

Helpful Tips

  • Create a customized URL
  • Add an icon/badge to your website or Blog
  • Rearrange profile for optimization
  • Be identifiable by changing privacy settings
  • Join groups for similar interests/profession
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