The Technical Side of SEO

Digital Marketing | Nicole Keiner | Wednesday, August 24, 2022

I am sure you have heard the acronym SEO many, many times. As an information technology company, we say it often but are you aware of how it can help your business? We can explain.

What is SEO ?

components of seo - search, keywords, content, and strategy

At Intrada Technologies, we define SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) as the technique of increasing the visibility of a website or a web page on search engines "natural" or un-paid ("organic") search results. Our goal in SEO is to get your website on the top of page one of Google and Bing searches. Google is the number one website used worldwide, so ensuring your website ranks above your competitors’ websites is our top priority and our main SEO focus.

How does SEO work?

Once you publish content on your website – maybe it is a new Blog article or just an update to your homepage Google bots or “spiders” crawl onto your site and review all of your pages. Google then indexes or scans your pages. Google’s goal is to determine if you are a subject matter expert. If one of your website pages successfully answers a user’s question when they type it in the search bar, your page will appear on the results page of their initial question.

"Google has different algorithms they use to analyze your website, states James Haywood. “They perform this analysis by "crawling" your website to review a host of different aspects.  An important item that they look for is content and keywords. They want to make sure that the content on a website is authentic, relevant, and user-focused. Having a content strategy is very important for a business to let visitors know that they are a subject matter expert."

While content is king, you need a user-friendly website

Before the internet, we used the Yellow Pages to find vendors for our needs. When searching for, let’s say, a plumber, we would look alphabetically under the “p” and give a few of the businesses a call. Those that answered our questions and responded efficiently usually were those that would win your business. Companies you had to leave several voicemail messages for and couldn’t get a hold of wouldn’t be on your top five list.

Haywood says, "As with the Yellow Pages analogy, customer service is critical for a website's success. Search engines, in part, evaluate a website's customer service by how technically proficient it is. Slow websites provide a poor customer experience, therefore, the search engines are less likely to display these sites even if they display subject matter expertise with relevant content."

How can Intrada help your SEO ranking?

Once you have decided as a business, you would like assistance with SEO , Intrada will schedule a strategy session. During the session, we will do the following:

  1. Determine the focus of your business 
  2. Decide on what service lines or keywords to focus on for your customized SEO strategy
  3. Develop a strategic six-twelve month plan to increase your company website ranking

The SEO strategy also includes a scan/audit of your current site to fix common SEO errors and continually researching your industry to ensure you rank above your competitors.

“Increasing your website ranking takes time and will not happen overnight,” adds Haywood. “Some will see rank movement in the first few months, others it takes a little longer. It really depends on your industry.”

If you are interested in learning more about how Intrada can help increase your website ranking, contact our Client Services Team today.

Nicole Keiner - Head Shot


Nicole Keiner is a Senior Marketing Strategist for Intrada Technologies. Her responsibilities include developing and executing marketing and digital media marketing strategies for clients. Nicole has nearly two decades of experience in public relations, content development, digital media marketing, and event management for businesses of all shapes, sizes, and types.

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