All information related to the data or personal information will be considered confidential and private unless in violation of state and federal laws. See Privacy Policy for full privacy information.
The device owner is responsible to confirm backups are secured and complete*. Intrada’s backup and recovery services are designed to support users with technology support and tools and use best practice processes to secure and protect data. Intrada is not and cannot be held responsible for any lost data.
In the event of a failed hardware device, Intrada is not responsible for the recovery of this device.
Intrada’s policy for data protection:
- Intrada will manage and monitor all backup plans included in PRO-Active agreements.
- Intrada will perform routine restores of data to insure backups are preforming as required under a PRO-Active Network Management Agreement. PRO-Active at home plans do not include routine restores.
- Intrada will keep all physical off-site copies handled by Intrada in a secured location.
- When working on a device (workstation, laptop, server, network attached storage), Intrada will routinely backup the device before starting any troubleshooting processes. This backup or image will be stored at Intrada for up to 30 days. After 30 days, Intraday will erase the backup or image file permanently, unless instructed differently by customer.
- User account passwords are never emailed or left on voice mail. Passwords are proved verbal or via text directly to end user. User names and password are never sent together over text.
- All software is required to have valid licenses. Software cannot be restored without a valid license. Intrada will install software, if able to download, but requires a valid license. Intrada will not install unlicensed software.
- Intrada will take every precaution to prevent data loss, but Intrada cannot be held responsible if hardware fails during a troubleshooting or recovery procedures.
- Intrada is not responsible for change in BACKUP SCOPE or files stored outside the BACKUP SCOPE. If files are not located within the BACKUP SCOPE, they will not be backed up.
- All information related to the data or user information will be considered confidential and private unless in violation of state and federal laws.
BACKUP SCOPE: This is the backup plan or configuration being applied to the client. This is clearly noted and available to the client per the client portal. If you have any questions about your BACKUP SCOPE, contact your account executive.
* Under specific PRO-Active agreements, Intrada does include Backup Management to ensure backups and recovery quality. This service is clearly noted in the agreement. PRO-Active At Home does not include test restores.