Two team members from Intrada Technologies recently attended ShmooCon, a three-day east coast cybersecurity conference held in Washington D.C., where they placed 6th in the Picnic ShmicNic Challenge (ShmooCon Puzzle).
Congratulations to Cybersecurity Engineer Jaxson Engelman and Software Engineer / Linux System Administrator Adam Post for your hard work and relentless effort to solve one of the annual event’s complex and complicated puzzles. This year's puzzle was comprised of nine stages. Each stage had separate clues linking them together. One stage required participants to find and examine several different attendee badges found around the conference. These badges, when read correctly, contained a series of six-bit encoded characters, among which was a hint to the cipher used on another puzzle stage.
Close to 2,000 professionals in the cybersecurity and information technology industries attended this annual event created by the Shmoo Group. The Shmoo Group is a non-profit think-tank comprised of security professionals worldwide who donate their free time and energy to information security research and development. Each year, The Shmoo Group makes sure they give back to the community. They donate proceeds from their conference t-shirt sale to several non-profits, including the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Capital Area Food Bank, and Hackers for Charity.
The conference involves several speed talks about different topics about cybersecurity, various challenges, contests, and puzzles for attendees to attempt to solve, and plenty of networking with colleagues from around the country.
While Jaxson has attended the conference in the past, this was Adam’s first year. However, both are already looking forward to attending next year’s event.
For a complete listing of speakers, event schedule, and conference information, please
Nicole Keiner is a Senior Marketing Strategist for Intrada Technologies. Her responsibilities include developing and executing marketing and digital media marketing strategies for clients. Nicole has nearly two decades of experience in public relations, content development, digital media marketing, and event management for businesses of all shapes, sizes, and types.
Adam loves to learn. He began dabbling in computing and technology when he was only 12 years old, picking up programming and scripting languages and figuring out how to navigate and manipulate operating systems over time.Adam and his family moved around Pennsylvania and North Carolina for different ...
Left without an IT staff, Maria Joseph Continuing Care turned to Intrada TechnologiesWhen Ted Spotts, Executive Director of Maria Joseph Continuing Care Community, received his IT person’s two-week notice – he was a little concerned.Maria Joseph’s IT person had been with them for 10 years and had ma...