Social Media Marketing
Social Media has changed the business world forever. Suddenly, marketing a business isn't just about getting your message out, but also engaging people on an individual level. Many businesses struggle with social media because of the transparency and lack of control, but Intrada sees social media as a tractable marketing channel.
Social Media Marketing is all about engagement. With communication and trust as your foundation, you can optimize your opportunities to connect with clients and build long-term customer relationships. Today, the customer-business power relationship is skewed toward the customer, with every individual able to publicly voice concerns and attract media attention. The power to control the brand message has largely been removed from company control. As a result, companies must do their best to keep the conversation positive through participation. A company can't always avoid a dissatisfied customer; however, by following Social Media Marketing strategies, a company can promote a message that speaks to its customer service successes through attentive awareness and genuine dedication to serving customer's needs.
Realizing this marketing shift toward the Internet rather than the traditional methods, Intrada uses Social Media Marketing as a powerful and necessary tool for all brands today. Education and services provided by Intrada can help a company improve their presence and develop a positive reputation online.
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